Circa September of 2021, I discovered the Kingsman franchise and fell in love, especially the fight scenes. It really reminded me of the choreography of Chinese films like Jackie Chan's, which also inspired the late Monty Oum's animations seen in RvB, RWBY, and Haloid, just to list a few. To my surprise, the late Brad Allen, who worked with Jackie Chan, also had a hand in Kingsman: TGC, The King's Man, and Argylle. Life's a circle, huh? As someone who enjoys forming headcanons and writing fan fics (that no one but myself get to read), this was my new obsession.
This page will likely only have either snippets of my fan fics or short passages, and most definitely a lot of headcanons. As with all headcanons, don't take it personally if they don't match up with your own. We all have different takes and there's nothing wrong with that!
First things first: agent profiles. In the second film, Charlie (that bastard) hacks into the Kingsman database and steals the home locations of all the agents. Initially (and painfully) going through the scene frame by frame, I copied down the data on the profiles and compiled them into a template I made with Photoshop. Then I thought, this movie has been out for a few years, it was quite possible someone had gotten clearer images somehow. With luck, someone did!

Arthur (non-traitor)


Galahad (Eggsy)




Lancelot (James)

Lancelot (Roxy)

(I added Lancelot/James for completion sake.)
If you looked at them closely, there are a few things to note: Arthur and Lancelot/James' weights have no unit indicated unlike the others (it's obviously stones and pounds), Lamorak and Bedivere share admission dates, some of their next of kin names are - guess what? - people in the film crew! (Except the Spencer family name, which is also listed for Arthur and Lancelot/James.) As for the Notes sections: With The King's Man, it's impossible for Arthur to have served in all British special forces before Kingsman formed - he was born 1940. Bedivere is referred to as Percival. Percival is referred to as Kay, who doesn't have a profile. Finally, the section after Geraint's hair colour can't be read or isn't seen at all. Oh, and some words I couldn't make out.
The consistency gets weird if you compare the profiles of Eggsy, Roxy, and Charlie from the first movie. In TGC, Eggsy and Roxy were born 1985, but in TSS, they were born 1992. We already have a confirmed age in the first movie, so why is it wrong in the second?
It's fairly safe to assume the film makers didn't care too much for accuracy since most viewers aren't going to bother pausing and rewinding for the smallest of details, but we, the fandom, care very much.
I decided to ignore the name swaps in the notes, and keep that characterization intact. (Percival is typically considered a skilled character in other media, I think?) I also gave the Kay position to the one who sits beside Galahad during most conferences: James Clayton. That left one remaining agent without a codename. I looked up the most commonly used Arthurian Knights and that didn't really help, I'll be honest. There was one list that only had twelve knights instead of, like, 50, so I went with that one. There were four unused: Bors, Gareth, Gaheris, and Tristan. Considering there were already three agents that started with the letter G, I crossed them off. Tristan, despite liking it, felt like too much of a normal name, and thus I settled with Bors.
Whew, from here on out, it's all headcanon, baby! (When I get to it...)